Direktlänk till inlägg 3 maj 2016

The Letter

Av Jennie Written Things - 3 maj 2016 00:30


Siha, I know this will not reach you, but it must be said. I cannot forget you. Lost in another. I don't want you to worry, or feel guilty that you are not with me. I'm near the end of my life. Keplar's Syndrom is... not kind. It was saddening to see our crew go their separate ways. Siha, I think leaving the Normandy was for the best. I once had no reason to live. And suddenly, I had two. You, and Kolyat.


Thane. It's been to long. Thane. I wish you could have been here with me... We are gathered here to honour the life of Thane Krios. He once said that he first felt love for his wife when she stepped in front of an assassin, to save someone she didn't even know. He choose to die doing nearly the same thing. Thane knew heroism and love can ease pain and grief. Even when he was terminally ill, he ran through war torn streets to reach me. Cause he knew I needed help. Thane, an assassin, gave his life for his galaxy, and now... he can rest. 

One of the warrior angels of the goddess Orashu, will you hear my confession, siha? My body had accepted its death. My mind had been dead a long time. But someone else was pushing to reach the target, forcing me to move faster. Challenging me. I would have fulfilled my contract. It would have been a good death. It was an intervention by the gods, I would have died in that penthouse. Your mission gave me purpose, a cause to die for. A chance to atone. I was able to speak to my son again. I'm prepared for whatever comes. I can leave my body in peace. We've righted many wrongs. 


He was injured, stab wound, he's a regular patient here. Is he still alive or not? I'll get more, give me his blood type.

I have only a few loves left. And you are my last. Just... Face it bravely. You have only made my life better. Kalahira, mistress of inscrutable depths. I ask forgiveness. 

You couldn't disappoint me, Thane.

You are kind. Siha, I had hope we'd be seeing one and other again. Unfortunately, this will part us... for a time. 

Guide this one, Kalahira. Guide this one to where the traveller never tires. The lover never leaves. The hungry never starve.

I hope this message finds you well. I love you.

...Meet you across the sea.

I will meet you across the sea. 


    Kom ihåg mig



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Vem är jag?

Jag är som vem som helst och ingen alls. Jag är duglig, ärlig och ironisk. Besitter den skevaste humorn i stan. Författarhjärta. Always.


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